Write a C program to perform the following operations on a doubly linked list:
i. To create a list by adding each node at the front.
ii. To display all the elements in the reverse order.
Jawapan :
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct linkedlist { int item; struct linkedlist *right,*left; }; typedef struct linkedlist node; void main() { node *start,*end; int choice; int menu(void); node *create(node **lastnode); void display(node *first,node *last); void insert(node **first,node **last); void del(node **first,node **last); printf("\n DOUBLY LINKED LIST"); printf("\n ******************"); do { printf("\n\nMain menu"); printf("\n\n1.Create \n2.Insert \n3.Delete \n4.Display \n5.Exit"); choice =menu(); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("\n Enter the data(-999 to stop):"); start=create(&end); continue; case 2: insert(&start,&end); printf("\n"); continue; case 3: del(&start,&end); printf("\n"); continue; case 4: display(start,end); printf("\n"); continue; case 5: exit(0); default: printf("\n\nINVALID CHOICE..."); } }while(1); } int menu() { int choice; do { printf("\n Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); if(choice<1||choice>5) printf("\n Wrong choice"); } while(choice<1||choice>5); printf("\n"); return(choice); } node *create(node **lastnode) { node *temp,*firstnode; int info; *lastnode=NULL; firstnode=NULL; scanf("%d",&info); while(info!=-999) { temp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->item=info; temp->right=NULL; if(firstnode==NULL) { temp->left=NULL; firstnode=temp; } else { temp->left=(*lastnode); (*lastnode)->right=temp; } (*lastnode)=temp; scanf("%d",&info); } if(firstnode!=NULL) (*lastnode)=temp; return(firstnode); } void display(node *first,node *last) { printf("\n Forward traversal\n"); while(first!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",first->item); first=first->right; } printf("\n Backward traversal\n"); while(last!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",last->item); last=last->left; } return; } void insert(node **first,node **last) { node *newnode; int newitem; int position; node *temp; int i; printf("\n New data item:"); scanf("%d",&newitem); do { printf("\n Position of insertion:"); scanf("%d",&position); } while(position<=0); if(((*first)==NULL)||(position==1)) { newnode=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); newnode->item=newitem; newnode->right=*first; newnode->left=NULL; if((*first)!=NULL) (*first)->left=newnode; else (*last)=newnode; *first=newnode; } else { i=1; temp=*first; while((i<position-1)&&(temp->right!=NULL)) { i++; temp=temp->right; } newnode=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); newnode->item=newitem; newnode->right=temp->right; if(temp->right!=NULL) temp->right->left=newnode; newnode->left=temp; temp->right=newnode; } if(newnode->right==NULL) *last=newnode; } void del(node **first,node **last) { node *temp,*prev; int target; printf("\n Enter the data to be deleted:"); scanf("%d",&target); if(*first==NULL) printf("\n List is empty"); else if((*first)->item==target) { if((*first)->right==NULL) *first=*last=NULL; else { *first=(*first)->right; (*first)->left=NULL; } } else { temp=*first; prev=NULL; while((temp->right!=NULL)&&(temp->item!=target)) { prev=temp; temp=temp->right; } if(temp->item!=target) printf("\n Element not found"); else { if(temp==*last) *last=prev; else temp->right->left=temp->left; prev->right=temp->right; } } }
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