Ahad, September 22, 2013

Python : Wordlist generator

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 

from getopt import getopt 
from itertools import product 
from sys import argv,exit 

def banner(): 
    print '''[*] Wordlist Generator | Made by MMxM 
    -c <characters that will be used> 
    -m <minimum of characters> 
    -x <maximum of characters> 
    -o <output file> 

    %s -c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -m 5 -x 10 -o /root/wordlist.txt 

    min = 0
    max = 0
    file = None
    caracteres = None
    opts,args = getopt(argv[1:],"m: x: o: c:") 
    for opt, a in opts: 
        if opt == "-m": min = a 
        if opt == "-x": max = a 
        if opt == "-o": file = a 
        if opt == "-c": caracteres = a 

    if min > max: banner();exit(1) 
    if caracteres == None: banner();exit(1) 
    if file == None: banner();exit(1) 
    arq = open(file,"w") 
    caracteres = list(str(caracteres)) 

    print '\n[*] Building Wordlist ...\n'

    for n in range(int(min),int(max)+1): 
        for w in product(caracteres,repeat=n): 
            word = ''.join(w) 

    print '[+] Generated Wordlist !!!\n[+] File => %s\n'%file

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Selamat datang ke 0x2013LΣΣT. Sekiranya anda mempunyai persoalan, pandangan, permintaan, bantuan, cadangan dan sebagainya. Tinggalkan pesanan anda ke dalam kotak komen. Terima kasih !
- http://0x2013.blogspot.com -